Hello, my name is Nick and at heart I am an adventurer.
My wife Karen and I live aboard our yacht in the marina on the Isle of Kerrera, just off Oban. I am currently not working but in my time (I am over fifty now), I have been an Outward Bound Instructor in the UK & Southern Africa, an agri-sales rep in Zimbabwe, an Environmental Educationalist in Zimbabwe, a hotel manager, a mental health support worker, a psychotherapist & counsellor, a wilderness therapist, a facilitator, a jewellery maker, a boatman and boat yard worker and a sea kayaking guide. I have also been a volunteer mountain rescue team member and team leader in the UK and Zimbabwe, a volunteer Coastguard Rescue Officer and amongst other things I am trained in advanced wilderness first aid, sea survival and emergency incident management.

I am Zimbabwean with strong Scottish roots. I like nothing more than to immerse myself in the wild landscapes of Scotland where the combined human and natural heritage have innumerable tales to tell.
Through my life I have embarked on many remarkable journeys and adventures in the UK, Europe and Southern Africa. These include; ski-mountaineering in the Alps, rock climbing high mountain routes in the UK and Southern Africa, white water kayaking all around the UK and exploring the rivers of South Africa, Lesotho and Zimbabwe, innumerable hiking expeditions in the same countries, an almost equal number of sea kayak expeditions (many solo) here in the UK and in particular Scotland. I have also taken part in many adventure races such as the 3 Peaks Yacht Race, Scottish Island Peak Race and the Original Mountain Marathon. I look back on all of these experiences with a sense of pride and achievement and I continually feel blessed for my continued good health and physical fitness.
Specifically, in terms of my sea kayaking experience, I have been a sea kayaker since 1986.